In the whole world, people are fond of eating. They even travel from far off place to eat, and the reason behind that traveling is that they want to try something new which is not available in their place.
Different chefs’ have been keen in introducing some new recopies to provide their customers something new to eat. Top-rated chefs have done various experimentations, and they have succeeded in launching some delightful dishes for their consumers. Among these delicious recipes, few are also discussed below along with their recipe.
Zesty Low Carb Chicken Steaks
The first dish that we are going to discuss is chicken steaks. If we talk about the history of this dish, then its sources came from Germany and Austria. But it was officially listed among famous dishes in 1988.
The recipe for chicken steak includes following ingredients
• Chicken Fillet
• Salt
• Pepper
• Olive oil
• Eggs
• Carrot sticks
• Cucumbers
• Potato Fries
Cooking Instructions
First of all, take the chicken fillet and sprinkle salt and pepper on both of its sides. Also, add an egg in the mixture. The next step would be rubbing olive oil on the whole fillet to make it yummier. Now take out the pan in which you want to cook the fillet and make it greasy by putting butter in it. Put the fillet into the pan and cook it until its shape changes to medium rare. Now put the fillet on the plate and serve it with cucumbers, carrots and potato fries.
Delicious Low Carb Meat Balls
Meat Balls is a successor of a Chinese recipe known as “Four joy meatballs.” So we can say that its origin is from China, but it is also said that some Roman cooks have also introduced meat balls type recipes.
It includes following ingredients
• Minced Meat
• Garlic
• Ginger
• Salt
• Red Chili
• Mashed Beans
Cooking Instructions
Take a half table spoon of garlic and ginger and also add some salt. Now add salt in it and by adding red chilies, and mashed beans make a mixture of all these elements. Put the whole mixture in the minced meat and marinate it for an hour. Keep in mind that marinating it would be crucial as it will bring proper taste in your dish. After an hour makes meat balls of the marinated meat and fry them for a period of time. Now, your low carbohydrate meat balls are ready to eat.
Detoxifying Low Carb Vegetable Salad
Vegetable salad is a dish compromising of small pieces of various vegetables. This sort of dish was introduced by Romans and Greeks as they used to eat mixed greens with dressing.
To make a vegetable salad following ingredients are required
• Cucumbers
• Green onion
• Cabbage
• Sesame oil
• Carrots
• Black pepper
Cooking Instructions
The recipe for vegetable salad is simple. The first step would be cutting cucumber in a spiral shape (using a vegetable spiralizer will may it easier, it may also come in handy for a low carb pasta) and put it on the tissue paper for 15 min so that all the water could be absorbed. Now cut green onions, cabbage, and carrots and along with cucumbers put them in sesame oil. Now sprinkle black pepper on it, and vegetable salad is ready to eat.
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