Have a Question? Check Out the Following List of FAQs and References

How Do I Use Diabetes Reducer ?
Start following our program with main edition of the Diabetes Reducer, before following the guideline, make sure to read the entire editoion and consult with your doctor to ensure it is the rigth path.

Where was Diabetes Reducer Found? 
Diabetes Reducer was developed and created in the U.S.A, it is not a oral supplement, therefore, does not require FDA approvals.

What Are The Terms Of Your Guarantee?
Diabetes comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. That means if you change your mind about this decision at any point in the next two months – all you need to do is email us, and we’ll refund your purchase. Plus, you don’t need to return our program. 

Are There Any Side Effects?
To date thousands of people have tried Diabetes Reducer and we have never had a serious side effect reported. That being said, we always recommend consulting with a doctor before starting any new program. 

Can I Try The Program With My Current Prescriptions?
While Diabetes Reducer has not been FDA approved, as it is a digital downloadale product, we do recommend you consult your primary physician as they will know what’s best for your individual case. 

How Do I Order Diabetes Reducer?
You can order the Diabetes Reducer program by going to our checkout page by (clicking here). All you need is your shipping address and credit card. 

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and JCB. 

How Can I Be Sure My Information Is Safe?
Our site uses encrypted, PCI-compliant methods for storing and transferring customer data. All sales are also protected by a 256-bit encrypted SSL. Your security is our top priority. 

Will You Share My Information With Third Parties?
We will NEVER share or sell your information to any third parties, ever. 

How Can I Check My Order Status?
Just send us an email or pick up the phone and call, we’ll be happy to give you an update.

I'm Ready To Start, How Can I Purchase? 
Easy, you can start the program and order it in the next 60 seconds. All you need is a credit or debt card to securly process the order here.


1.   http://www.ncl.ac.uk/press.office/press.release/item/diet-reverses-type-2-diabetes
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25.   http://www.grassrootshealth.net/media/download/daction_cancer.pdf